Saturday, September 29, 2007

Dragon Fly

A few days ago, I wrote a little something about my new toy : an electric powered radio controlled Lancair airplane. It is a really nice bird and I really do not want to crash it. So in the meantime, I ordered another smaller and less complexed airplane.

The reason behind is that I have not successfully flown any radio controlled model for the last four years and my skills are more than rusty. Therefore, I elected to start easy and slowly with a slow and forgiving three-channel model. Three channels to control the electric engine, the rudder and the elevator.

Wing Dragon II : the easy beginner model...
The box comes as a 'Ready to Fly' so there is not a lot of work remaining to put the plane in airworthy conditions. Basically putting the wings together, setting the elevator, adjusting the servo control rods and screwing the main landing gear.

Straight out of the box...

There is something that will be completly new to me : an airplane with a thrust not aligned on the center of gravity / longitudinal axis. Guess what ? I am pretty sure I will get some strong nose-down pitching moments while adding thrust. Anyway, enough talking now. Here are a few pictures of the model flying. By the way, did I mention she looks cute ?

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